2023 was the 10th anniversary of Jason Isbell’s iconic album, Southeastern. While binge-listening to the newly-released remastered, live, and acoustic versions of the album, I couldn’t help but feel inspired. Sitting neatly in between some of the best Americana tracks of our time is Super 8, a charging rock ‘n’ roll song about a singer’s near death experience in a dirty motel on tour.

The shape of old Super 8 signs look a little like a tombstone, so I took that idea and drew inspiration from my love of the American Traditional style of tattooing and made this illustration as an homage to a great song I never get tired of seeing live.

Disclaimer: This was created as a personal project and was not done as hired work.

Illustration based on the song Super 8 Motel by Jason Isbell Southeastern American Traditional Design Tombstone Sign